
All services conducted in English

Worship is at the heart of the church’s life because it defines who we are in relation to our God. Although we belong to the Church of England, our worship is tailor-made to meet the needs of th multi-cultural context in which we live. Worship matters are the responsibility of the chaplain who works with the worship team.

Our worship consists of the following services:

1. Sunday Holy Communion Service - Sunday 11:00-12:00

This is our main service which runs for an hour on Sunday from 11:00-12:00 followed by fellowship hospitality. Singing is accompanied by recorded music and occasionally a volunteer organist plays for us. The chaplain is the main celebrant assisted by minsters with permission to officiate as well as lay readers. Preaching is on rotational basis between the chaplain, PTOs and lay readers.

2. Family Service - First Sunday of the month 11:00 - 12:00

This is a special Holy Communion service for the whole family. Therefore, every first Sunday of the month from 11:00-12:00 is set aside for the family service. In this service, we use a contemporary liturgy and there is no Sunday Club. There is a children activity before sermon and after service and a Bring and Share lunch.

3. Remember Me Service - First and Third Tuesday of the month at 11:30

This is an ecumenical (Interdenominational) service which is hosted by the Anglican Church on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 11:30. A service welcoming congregants from different denominations to worship. Ministers of different churches rotate in leading worship and preaching, and are responsible for the liturgy of the day. It is an informal service.

4. Discipleship Morning Prayers - by Zoom every Wednesday at 10:00

This is a weekly online prayer service for members of the discipleship team, but all interested members of the church are welcome. The prayer is hosted on zoom every Wednesday morning at 10:00 and lasts for 15-20 minutes. It is a prayer meeting to intercede for one another and to pray for the mission of the church. Again, the worship is informal and in a relaxed environment.

For all events see our calendar below