About Us

Our Chaplaincy is within the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe, and, as such, forms part of the Anglican Communion. Our chaplains are Rev Ishanesu Gusha (Palma) and Rev Bill Boyce (Port of Pollensa) In addition to that, we have two retired ministers from the Uniting Church of Australia (Revs Ronald and Vivien Larkin) with Permission to Officiate license.

Unlike the parishes in England, our chaplaincy, just like other chaplaincies in the Diocese in Europe, are self-sufficient meaning that we are not funded by the Church of England in terms of our operations. The church running expenses in terms of administration and payment of chaplains are financed by the generous giving of its members.

Being in Mallorca, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, our membership is very diverse, with many people coming from non-Anglican backgrounds. Therefore, our worship is tailor-made to meet the needs of a multi-cultural context. Hospitality and welcoming of visitors are the DNA of our identity, so when visiting the Island make worship at one of our worship centres part of your itinerary and enjoy our warm welcome.

Introducing your people in Palma


Fr. Ishanesu Sextus Gusha

CLICK HERE to read the Chaplains Blog (COMING SOON)

Clergy with Bishop's Licence
Rev. Viv Larkin
Rev. Ron Larkin

Lay Preachers
David Pattinson
Ken Prudhoe

Shirley Roberts (plus Vice Chair, Archdeaconry Synod Representative and Press/Publicity)
John Pacey

Secretary and Wedding Administrator
Judy Gortway

Joshua Oluwatobi

Fr. Ishanesu Sextus Gusha (Click for more info)
Stephanie Mason

Mothers Union
Caroline Gusha

Council Members
Fiona Laird (plus Sunday Club)
Richard Ofoegbu
Chris Giri
Shane Sabine (plus Hospitality)
Nita de Petersoon
Simon Chippendale
Harrison Nwafor
George Frimpong Twene Gyamfi

Standing Committee
Fr. Ishanesu
Ron Larkin
Viv Larkin
Shirley Roberts
Judy Gortway
Joshua Oluwatobi
John Pacey

Where We are: Carrer de Núñez de Balboa, 6, Son Armadans, 07014 Palma, Illes Balears, Spain CLICK FOR MAP
Contact Details: chaplainanglicanpalma@gmail.com Telephone to speak to the Priest or make an appointment+34 600 400 600

Groups and the Coleman Hall

We have a hall for community use according to the mission of the Anglican Church. It is a hall with a stage at one end and a kitchen for providing refreshments. It is situated under the church and available for hire - please contact us for information.

Several groups use the Coleman Hall and the church :

Senior Yoga - Do you want to stretch and relax mind and body? Classes : Wednesday at 12.00 For women and men with an experienced “British Wheel of Yoga Teachers” Instructor You are very welcome to join us For more information please call Rita – 629 460702

AA Meeting - More info soon

Spanish Choir - More info soon

NA Mallorca - English Speaking Group - Narcotics Anonymous meetings every Friday from 18.00-19.00
The meetings are open, meaning everyone curious about NA can attend.
Questions? WhatsApp Philip +46708739290

Our Parish in Pollenca

To read about our Pollenca Parish Click Here


Chaplaincies in the Diocese in Europe operate in a different way as compared in to the parishes in England because they have to sustain themselves for their day-to-day functions. Due to Covid 19, the depletion of church membership due to ageing, Brexit, and other factors, our chaplaincy is currently living from hand to mouth with nothing in the reserves. This is a precarious situation for the continuing presence of the chaplaincy on the Island.

Currently, several measures have been put in place to reduce operational costs and these include; installation of solar panels to reduce electricity costs and our thanks go to an anonymous donor who made this 18,000-euro project possible.

We reduced our paid staff compliment from a full-time chaplain to a half-time chaplain, part time renumerated secretary to a volunteer, and part time renumerated cleaner to none.

These are some of the costs cutting measures which are in place. The chaplaincy also engages in fundraising programs in order to augment donations which come from our generous givers.

Your donations will go a long way in sustaining the ministry for the chaplaincy in Mallorca. We are also working hard to become one of the Eco churches in the Diocese and this is in line with our fifth mark of Anglican missions.

Our History

The architect who designed our church was Sr. Carlos Sobron. When he presented his plans the Church Committee spontaneously rose and applauded him, because the plans were just what they had hoped for. To their amazement and delight, Sr Sobron told them he would not charge for the plans as he never expected to be asked to design a church again.
The lovely wall behind the altar was built by a local Mallorcan stonemason, Miguel, from nearby Genova. He told us that he built it with love and care because he felt it might serve as his memorial. He also said that he had placed the darker stones in a meaningful way.
Miguel stood at its consecration with tears in his eyes.
A few days later he died, taking the solution to the mystery of the dark stones with him…. Not everything in our church is new. The communion or sanctuary rails, the pulpit and pews of northern pine all came from the old church (a former soda water factory) in El Terreno. The altar had been intended by the architect to be constructed in beautiful wood to contrast with the stone of the walls but eventually it was decided to have a traditional stone altar.

To read more about the history of the church click here

Our Art and Windows

The Triptych is traditional in style and contrasts pleasantly with the very simple and modern interior of our church. It shows ‘Our Lady of Peace’ with an ‘aureole’ of the heads of nine children, representing all the ethnic groups of mankind. On either side of this central painting are our saints of title: St Philip and St James. The triptych was painted by the Croatian-born Peruvian artist Kristian Krekovic and was commissioned and donated to our church in 1973 by a faithful member and sidesman of our congregation, the late Mr Eric Beeby. From 1960 on, Kristian Krekovic resided in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, where he died in 1985. Mallorca has a museum named after him devoted predominantly to his art.

Our large stained glass window - The APOSTLES (from the Greek `apostolos’ – person sent) were the twelve disciples chosen by Christ to be sent on special missions of preaching and healing.
They were in continuous attendance on Christ and were the recipients of his special teaching and training.
The Apostles St. Peter, St. James the greater and St. John formed the inner circle who alone were permitted to witness such events as : The Raising of Jairus’ daughter. (MARK 5:37, LUKE 8:51) The Transfiguration. (MARK 9, MATT 17, LUKE 9) The Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. (MARK 14:33, MATT 26:37) Special importance seems to have been attached to the number twelve, which some scholars interpret as a reference to the twelve tribes of Israel. When a gap had been left by the defection and death of the traitor Judas Iscariot, immediate steps were taken to fill it by the election of the Apostle St. Matthias.

Baptismal Window
Donated by Mr. Elliott
Showing a much loved former priest baptising the donor’s son.
Above is the beautiful dove, quickly adopted as a symbol of our church.

Memorial Window
Donated by Mrs. C. Galloway
This window engages the eye with full vibrancy of the many hues of red – poppies indeed being symbolical for remembrance.
Abstractions of elongated leaves lead the eye into a dense and variegated whirl of yellow flowers, predominantly mimosa. …

Marine Window
Donated by Mrs. E. Kinnear
The foremost request of the donor runs as a theme throughout the window. The marine theme reminds us of Mr. Kinnear’s profession at of captain in the Merchant navy. The coat of arms of his Oxford college and the flag of his company which has the Scottish St. Andrews cross in the background … Here we find a lot of horizontal lines, from the sturdy bollard at the quayside where the ships berth the eye travels across the harbour to the signal tower of Pelaires…